
Claire's magnets

Original prints

T-shirts & cards


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Where is Wells?


Claire's design for International Women's Day 2011, commissioned by CUPE BC.
Book designed by Bill for Chris Harris.

a portion of the Wells-Barkerville trail map brochure
(click map for larger image)
specific maps online here and downloadable PDFs from here (including Google Earth KMZ trail links)

Bilingual catalogue design for Norman Yates
copies available in March from Interspace Press
2073 Frederick Norris Road
Victoria, BC V8P 2B5 _250-592-0643
back to previous design work
All copyrights to the artworks appearing are reserved by the Artist. No unauthorized duplication, public exhibition or performance is permitted.
Distribution of the artworks through any means including electronic, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.
Troll Telemark Ski Festival shirts

work from 2012

work from 2013

Bill "Solidarity Series" of photos
protesting arts cuts in British Columbia
"Solidarity with Egypt Shabbat"
Wells, BC February 11, 2011